Triple 9 2016 is an American heist thriller film directed by John Hillcoat and written by Matt Cook. The film stars an ensemble cast featuring Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Anthony Mackie, Aaron Paul, Norman Reedus, Woody Harrelson, Kate Winslet, Clifton Collins, Jr., Michael K. Williams, Teresa Palmer and Gal Gadot. The film is scheduled to be released on February 26, 2016 in United States by Open Road Films. The film follows a group of criminals and corrupt cops who are being blackmailed by the Russian Mafia. The only way to appease them is to perform an extremely challenging heist.
Despite its nearly impossible difficulty, they eventually hatch a plan: on one side of town, half of the crew will commit the murder of a rookie cop named Chris Allen Casey Affleck while the rest of the police force is distracted by the 999 incident officer down, the other half of the crew will perform the heist. Although the plan is executed smoothly, Chris Allen survives and tries to bring down the crooks. The film went through many casting changes. Shia LaBeouf was initially attached to star in the film but later left the project and was replaced by Charlie Hunnam. In December 2013, Hunnam also left the project and was replaced by Casey Affleck. In August 2013, Cate Blanchett and Christoph Waltz were in talks to join the cast but later dropped out and instead Kate Winslet and Woody Harrelson came on board. Casting complete in March 2014, as Aaron Paul, Norman Reedus, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Casey Affleck, Anthony Mackie, Gal Gadot, Teresa Palmer and Clifton Collins, Jr. rounded out the cast. Hillcoat talking about filming schedule said that, “It’s a challenge, arranging everyone’s schedules and trying to accomplish something with eight main characters. I’ve never worked on something quite like this.
Despite its nearly impossible difficulty, they eventually hatch a plan: on one side of town, half of the crew will commit the murder of a rookie cop named Chris Allen Casey Affleck while the rest of the police force is distracted by the 999 incident officer down, the other half of the crew will perform the heist. Although the plan is executed smoothly, Chris Allen survives and tries to bring down the crooks. The film went through many casting changes. Shia LaBeouf was initially attached to star in the film but later left the project and was replaced by Charlie Hunnam. In December 2013, Hunnam also left the project and was replaced by Casey Affleck. In August 2013, Cate Blanchett and Christoph Waltz were in talks to join the cast but later dropped out and instead Kate Winslet and Woody Harrelson came on board. Casting complete in March 2014, as Aaron Paul, Norman Reedus, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Casey Affleck, Anthony Mackie, Gal Gadot, Teresa Palmer and Clifton Collins, Jr. rounded out the cast. Hillcoat talking about filming schedule said that, “It’s a challenge, arranging everyone’s schedules and trying to accomplish something with eight main characters. I’ve never worked on something quite like this.
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