Swiss Army Man 2016 is an American comedy-drama film written and directed by Dan Kwan and Daniel Schneider. The film stars Daniel Radcliffe, Mary Elizabeth Instead and Paul Dona. Hank, a man marooned on an island, finds a corpse washed up on the beach and uses it as a tool to get back to the mainland. When the corpse turns out not to be entirely dead, Hank befriends him and must teach him about the world once again.
Early reception to the Sun dance premiere was mixed; Variety reported that a “continuous stream of audience members kept standing up and bolting for the door throughout the film”, alienated by the film’s bizarre premise. The Hollywood Reporter felt that “forming a counterpoint to all the bodily function knockabout, Dano and Radcliffe, both fully committing with delectable zeal, project a certain tragic fragility that adds heft to the proceedings.
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